2019 York County
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Dutchman Creek Middle School
4757 Mount Gallant Road
Rock Hill, South Carolina 29732
Dear Early Childhood Advocate:
We look forward to hosting you once again for our annual Early Childhood Conference on Saturday March 23, 2019 at Dutchman Creek Middle School in Rock Hill
Our theme this year is Awaken The Child In You. Our keynote speaker this year is Mr. Nigel Smith. I have personally known Mr. Nigel, as children everywhere know him, since he started inspiring and entertaining children over 15 years ago. I am certain that Mr. Nigel’s Keynote and his sessions on Music and Movement in the classroom will uplift you. His promotion of using music and songs to help children learn could have been taken from reports on the latest research in how children learn. We are re-discovering how nursery rhymes and songs stimulate brain development in young children, and by the way, kids love to sing too. I am certain that you will not be disappointed after hearing Mr. Nigel and how to Awaken The Child In You!
We continue to seek presenters and topics that will interest you, whether you are a brand new childcare professional just beginning your career or a longtime practitioner. Here are just a few Workshops to consider:
- Dina Grant will be offering a session on Books Galore 2019. One special feature of this year’s session is outlining all the special kits that are available for childcare centers to use in their classrooms. How many times have you looked for resources on your class topic and struggled to put everything together. The York County Library already has your topic resources put together, whether it is Weather, Summer, Reptiles, or Space, they have packets ready for you to use.
- We have several chefs coming from Johnson & Wales Culinary University in Charlotte to share their expertise in making snacks and meals healthier. Their focus this year is Gardening and Cooking with Kids. There will be samples to taste and preparation guides discussed for many tasty options.
- Another new session for this Conference is an introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACE’s. Research has shown that events that happen in our lives as children can predict how healthy we will be as adults. You may have heard of ACE’s before, this is your opportunity to learn more and how knowing of the impact on our children, we can help them cope by helping them develop resiliency.
- We have two opportunities to learn how to incorporate science into your classrooms, The Children’s Museum will host a session, and Shaun Rogers will offer a session on how to put the STEAM back into our STEM activities.
You will not want to miss these and many other opportunities to hone your skills or learn new ones. As you can see, great topics and presenters, offering workshops that you can implement in your center and classroom. Thank you for the commitment that you make each day to make a difference in the lives of the children in your care. We are grateful for your continued support and participation in our Conference. Enjoy the Conference and be sure to use what you learn!
David W. Lisk, Sr.
Executive Director
Workshop Schedule:
Saturday, March 24, 2018
7:00 am – 8:00 am
- Registration
- Continental Breakfast available in Cafeteria
8:00 am – 8:15 am
- Auditorium –WELCOME and Conference Information
8:15 am – 9:15 am
- Auditorium – Keynote Address by featured presenter, Nigel Smith
9:25 am – 11:25 am
- Session 1 – Training Room locations will be posted
11:30 am – 12:10 pm
- Lunch in the cafeteria
12:15 pm – 2:15 pm
- Session 2 – Training Room locations will be posted
Keynote Speaker
Nigel Smith
Music Edutainer/CEO
Born into a musical family, Nigel Smith’s proclivity for the arts began at a very early age. He studied voice and multiple instruments throughout his formative years. By the time he was a young man, Nigel had already performed in several R&B, jazz, gospel and vocal groups – even winning a number of awards along the way.
After studying music in college, Nigel was given the opportunity to serve as Music Director at Friendship Community Church in Greensboro, NC. This lead to performances with several Grammy and Stellar award winning artists.
In 2003, Nigel founded Music by Design, a personalized children’s music company. By 2004, “Mr. Nigel” was born, with the advent of Mr. Nigel’s Music. Since then, Mr. Nigel has visited and taught in hundreds of preschools sharing his passion for “edutainment” with over 2,500 children every week, for more than 15 years.
Under the umbrella of his flagship company, The Edutainment Group, Mr. Nigel and his friends, aptly named Mr. Nigel and Friends, spread the power of music and the joy of togetherness to audiences nationwide with the ever popular “Ultimate Family Experience”, a dance party for the entire family. It is not uncommon to see families fully engaged, dancing, filled with laughter and gladness at every show.
Mr. Nigel (and friends) has delivered and continues to excel at delivering top-notch musicianship and entertainment for children 1-99 all over the country, and more recently the world!
In order for us to process your registration, you must comply with the following instructions.
Registrations must be received no later than Friday, March 19, 2019.
- Complete one form for each person registering. You may duplicate this form.
- Registration fee requirement below.
- Send your completed forms and payment to: (We are unable to take credit card payments.)
York County First Steps
PO Box 969
Rock Hill, SC 29731
Bring by:
YCFS offices at Sylvia Circle
York County First Steps Family Learning Center, 929 Sylvia
PO Box 969 Circle, Rock Hill, SC 29730
Before 3:00 pm Monday-Friday.
REGISTRATION FEE: $25.00 per participate (includes 5 certified training hours, continental breakfast, lunch, a souvenir to remember an incredible training, and professional trainers with years of early childhood experience to share).
PLEASE NOTE: DSS awards the credit hours through The Center for Child Care Career Development. They state that anyone arriving any later than 10 minutes after the training starts cannot receive credit. Therefore, participants registering after 8:10 am on March 23rd will not receive credit for the keynote address. They will be able to attend the workshops they have registered for and will receive the 2 hours certified training hours per workshop attended. Regardless of late arrival or early departure, the $25.00 registration fee is non-refundable.
**Please call 803 981-5780 if you have questions about the registration process.
Meet Our Presenters!
Lynn Hayes currently works as an ESOL teach for Rock Hill Schools. She has a Bachelor of Science degree and Master of Education degree from Winthrop University. Mrs. Hayes is certified in the areas of Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, and as a Reading Teacher. She taught Kindergarten for eight years and First Grade for twenty years.
Tracy Lee recently taught classes at Winthrop University. She has a Bachelor of Science degree and Master of Education degree from Winthrop University. Mrs. Lee is certified in the areas of Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, and as a Reading Teacher. She is also a National Board Certified teacher in Early Childhood Generalist area. Mrs. Lee taught Kindergarten for fourteen years and First Grade for sixteen years.
Taylor Dee Spencer loves engaging students, parents, and educators through music, movement and literacy. She is a current doctoral candidate at Liberty University, and holds a Clemson University Master’s degree in Youth Development Leadership. As a former elementary teacher, Taylor now impacts learners on a larger scale as a Child Program Consultant, children’s author, and singer/songwriter. She is the owner of TUMBLEBUS South Charlotte/Beyond Fit, a mobile literacy and fitness studio, and the founder of Right Now Works, a child program training and consulting agency. Through her educational services and resources, Taylor specializes in developing youth programs and making learning experiences more engaging and effective.
Amanda Boatwright has a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education. She taught 5K and third grade in the Rock Hill School District. Amanda is an early childhood educator with the Main Street Children’s Museum/Museum of York County.
Cynthia Spratley has served as the Program Education Manager at the Museum of York County for the past five years. Her responsibilities include the special event planning and facilitation at the museum, as well as the school education programming. She has a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Education and Natural Resources Interpretation.
Carol Perkins has fifty years’ experience in early child education, twenty of them with infants and toddlers. She earned her M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education from the University of South Carolina in 2009. She has been a parent educator with First Steps, an infant/toddler specialist with the SC Program for Infant/Toddler Care, and an adjunct professor at the University of South Carolina for ten years. She is the mother of four and grandmother of six, including a brand new baby girl.
Megan Lambert is a Senior Instructor at Johnson & Wales University, where she has been teaching for 14 years. Chef Lambert is a Registered Dietitian and also has a MS in Nutrition Science. She has a particular interest in gardening and cooking with kids.
Cece Krelitz has been teaching at Johnson & Wales University for 7 years. She has a BS from UNLV in Hotel Administration. She teaches both culinary and baking and pastry students the fundamentals of baking and pastry and a variety of other classes. She has dealt with obesity in her life and is passionate about teaching anyone how to enjoy food and make it healthier.
Quientina Stewart is a Chef Instructor at Johnson & Wales University. Chef Stewart is currently also working with CMS School’s food service program to promote more healthy innovative options for the school food program in conjunction with to high school culinary arts program.
Sophitmanee Sukalakamala earned a Ph.D. in Hospitality Administration and a master’s degree in Food & Nutrition from Texas Tech University, and a bachelor’s degree in Agriculture from Kasetsart University in Bangkok, Thailand. Her research and publications focus on food consumption behavior.
Crystal M. Boyd is the BabyNet single point of entry supervisor with SC Department of Health & Human Services BabyNet program for York, Chester, and Lancaster counties. She has a bachelor’s of arts degree in Psychology and a minor in Political Science from Winthrop University. She also holds a SC Part C Infant and Toddler credential. Crystal has 17 years of experience serving in several roles with the Early Intervention system. Before working with infant and toddlers, she worked as a residential counselor for teens and adults with disabilities and special needs. Crystal identifies and assesses children and families from birth to age three for developmental delays and disabilities and helps connect them to services that can increase their child’s development potential.
Shaun Rogers has assisted with product development and placement, and has taught teachers, administrators, distributors, and dealers the educational benefits of creative learning for 10+ years. He has conducted workshops across North America, primarily focused on incorporating creative arts and active play into the STEM curriculum. Rogers brings excellent ideas to the table that infuse critical thing and innovation through hands-on learning.
Sara Blancke serves as the Director of Communications for the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Crescent Region serving Boys & Girls Clubs in South Carolina and throughout the region. She has worked for Boys & Girls Clubs in various capacities since 2006. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Experimental Psychology from the University of South Carolina and a Masters of Social Work degree from Winthrop University. Sara is a National Trainer for Boys & Girls Clubs of America and is a two-time BGCA MAC (Marketing & Communications Awards) Award winner. She is a member of the Kiwanis Club of Rock Hill where she serves as a Past President and also volunteers her time as a team leader for the Come-See-Me and ChristmasVille Festivals. Sara is the co-founder of York County Gives, a local Giving Tuesday International community campaign. She was also appointed to serve on the city of Rock Hill’s Commission for Children and Youth. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, graphic design and party planning. Sara and her husband Ryan, York County Government’s Assistant Public Works Director, reside in Rock Hill with their daughters – 7 year old Olivia and 4 year old Emma.
Cindy Taubenkimel serves as Rock Hill Schools Coordinator of ParentSMART and the Sylvia Circle Family Learning Center. She has worked with ParentSMART since its inception in January of 1995. She holds a bachelor’s egree in Art with a minor in Psychology and Masters Certification in Gerontological Counseling from the College of New Jersey. Cindy is a member of the York County First Steps board where she currently serves as Vice Chair, the Early Learning Partnership Board of York County, the United Ways EFSP Board, the ACE’s Task Force, and the City of Rock Hill’s Commission for Children and Youth. She also volunteers as a team leader for the ChristmasVille Festival. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, decorating and gardening. Cindy is the proud grandparent of three grand-daughters and resides in Rock Hill where she is very fortunate to enjoy them every day.
One hundred years from now It will not matter
What kind of car I drove, What kind of house I lived in, How much I had in my bank Nor what my clothes looked like. One hundred years from now It will not matter
What kind of school I attended, What kind of typewriter I used, How large or small my church, But the world may be…
a little better because…
I was important in the life of a child.
Forest Whitcraft
Workshop Offerings
1. The Kindergarten Adventure (Curriculum)
Lynn F. Hayes and Tracy Lee
This session will provide research based information on ways to prepare young learners for a successful year in Kindergarten. Participants will experience a day in the life of a Kindergartener as they explore hands-on math lessons, literacy games, and science and social studies fun. Materials and time will be provided for make and take activities.
2. Get Up Academy!: Creative Student Outlets for Enhancing Cognitive Development (Curriculum)
Taylor Spencer
This engaging and interactive workshop will help early childhood educators gain a new perspective on how to engage all students despite their behaviors, differences, and cognitive levels. Through activities, games, and an exciting presentation, teachers will be able to discover new resources and ways to engage all students cognitively, through the exploration of movement, music, literacy, and personal interactions.
3. Learning and Exploring through the Senses (Curriculum)
Amanda Boatwright and Cynthia Spratley
During this workshop, which will be held at the Museum of York County, teachers will be exposed to activities that will allow children to engage and learn through play with a focus on using their senses at the museum. We will share strategies for helping children become nature investigators. We will use hands-on scientific tools and explore the museum’s collection of specimens. (Your presenter will meet you outside the Auditorium after the KeyNote. You will then walk across Museum Road to the workshop.)
4. Books Galore 2019 (Curriculum)
Dina Grant
Why should I read aloud every day? How do I do it? What should I read? How do I use books to support all areas of my curriculum? This workshop will explore engaging new read aloud books (and a few classics) for your classroom. Participants will learn the why and how of reading aloud as well as tips for using books throughout your curriculum. Literacy, math, science, social studies, music and more will be covered.
5. Infants and Toddlers, the Joys & the Challenges (Growth & Development)
Carol Perkins
Do you work with infant and toddlers? If so, this session is for you! We will review important development milestones, issues and stages of the first three years of life and explore strategies and activities that support growth and learning. Come and learn some new things to do with your babies!
6. Gardening & Cooking with Kids (Nutrition)
Megan Lambert, Cece Krelitz, Quientina Stewart, Sophitmanee Sukalakamala
Enjoy a hands-on introduction to gardening and cooking activities that are fun to do with preschoolers, and discover resources to help you teach your students about the natural world, sustainability, where our food comes from, and how to love their fruits and veggies!
7. The SC Early Intervention System: Support for Children 0-3 with Developmental Delays and Disabilities (Professional Development)
Crystal M. Boyd
This workshop will be an overview of the South Carolina Early Intervention System. This presentation will: a) provide an overview of the early intervention system and services, b) discuss your role as a referral source and how to identify a child with possible developmental delays and disabilities, c) provide helpful guidance to assist families in directing services for children 0-3 years old with developmental disabilities and delays to increase their developmental potential.
8. STEAM in STEM (Curriculum)
Shaun Rogers
Preschool requirements are PACKED with Academic Standards these days, but kids just want to have fun! Science, Technology, Engineering and Math are mandated, but we know kids need open exploration and creative play. This workshop puts the STEAM in STEM! It’s packed full of ideas to incorporate STEM into imaginative and creative expression.
9. ACE’s: What are they and How do they Relate to Toxic Stress & Resiliency (Professional Development)
Sara Blancke and Cindy Taubenkimel
In this workshop, participants will learn about “ACEs”, Adverse Childhood Experiences, how it relates to toxic stress and how to help identify and work with children and families affected by these experiences.
10. Everybody Get Up (with Music and Movement) (Curriculum)
Nigel Smith
Anyone who has worked with young children knows that they need to move. The importance of movement goes far beyond getting out the wiggles and giggles. In this workshop, Mr. Nigel will take you on a musical journey to discover the many ways to incorporate music and movement into your daily classroom routine. Get ready to sing, move and play your way through the world of learning using music and Mr. Nigel’s favorite interactive activities.
York County First Steps would like to thank all the agencies, contributors, and sponsors that helped make this conference successful.
