We are always seeking to develop long term relationships with individuals and organizations that share our passion for helping at risk children and their families reach their potential through success in their educational career. If you are interested in making a monetary donation to York County First Steps there are several avenues that are available to you:
- Contact David Lisk, YCFS Executive Director here to discuss your interest in supporting our programs and interventions
- You are welcome to send a check to York County First Steps PO Box 969, Rock Hill, SC 29731

We encourage you to make a donation to help York County First Steps expand our services within our community. There are five key areas where your donations can assist in expanding our services to assist more children and their families.
- Nurse Family Partnership – NFP assigns registered nurses to work with at risk first time mothers, beginning prior to their sixth month of pregnancy and continues to provide home visitation services until the child reaches two years old.
- Teenage Parent Vouchers for Child Care – A donation can help provide quality child care for the child of a teenage parent working to complete their high school diploma.
- Countdown to Kindergarten – A donation can help provide a summer of home visits to a rising kindergartener to help them and their family transition to Kindergarten prepared and excited to start school with the engaged support of their parents.
- Community Based Literacy Initiative – Donations for this program will be used for purchasing age appropriate books for community organizations that are serving at risk preschool children in an effort to provide additional literacy based activities to close the literacy gap typically associated with at risk children.
You are welcome to designate your donation to one of the key areas or to leave undesignated and we will allocate your donation to an area where it is most needed.